
Jeannette Normington

Seascape Pilates
By the beach
Santa Cruz, CA.


 I've been taking your Pilates mat class on Thursdays now for several months. The classes have been very helpful. I have noticed the benefits of greater flexibility and reduced stress. As I am now 64, things do not flex as well as in the past, and I've realized how much Pilates is helping me. I also wanted to mention that I've found it very easy to follow along with your instruction, even if I don't look at the computer screen. You describe the movements in detail and yet in simple terms, making changes in positions and stretches easy to follow at all times. I find myself listening and moving along just by focusing on your voice. This is much appreciated. Another side benefit I've noticed, is how comfortable my daily walk has been. If I walk right after class, the muscles are warmed up and the body tends to move effortlessly. . Walking is easier, like floating and more enjoyable!!. Thank you Jeannette for sharing your professional knowledge and guiding me toward a healthier lifestyle. You are most appreciated.

-Deborah Foster