pilates BENEFITS

  • Improved posture and balance

  • Breath awareness

  • Alignment and stabilization for the spine

  • Balance with both flexibility & strength

  • Learn how to move with improved efficiency

  • Reduce stress and decrease aches and pains

  • Learn how to strengthen your core and move from your center

  • Improve sports performance

  • Injury maintenance and prevention

  • Build strong yet lean muscle

  • Increase flexibility

  • Develop mind/body connection

Jeannette can cater a session to you, weather it be sport specific, rehabilitation based, aging gracefully, pre/post natal support, or managing any health injury or condition. Join in and learn how to strengthen your body intelligently and move with grace. We can discuss wellness goals you may have and set up a fitness home program for your success!

 “No man/woman - No machine can correct or create vitality, power or health for you; Everything comes from within, You have to unfold it.”